Eco Church
St Anne’s is making great progress in being an Eco church and we are proud to say that we have achieved our A Rocha silver status.
The Eco church activities range from including more about the environment and caring for God’s world in services, prayers and worship in general to using an eco friendly green gas and electricity tarif as well as changing to recyclable toilet paper! We have created a small allotment behind the church office and have potatoes, onions and squash growing as well as a compost heap to provide resources for next year’s crops. We also have three thriving beehives, a bug hotel, a small herb and wild flower garden! And we are recycling soft plastics, milk bottle tops, batteries and water filters. In all we do, we are involving people of all ages, starting with the smallest ones attending our Pixies toddler group, junior church, the Rainbows and Brownies as well as Miriam Grace Day Club. We are often seen planting seeds, watering and generally tending plants.
We would love everyone to join in however they would like to – there must be a wealth of experience out there and we need lots more eco friendly ideas to help maintain the momentum. So if you have an idea or suggestion to make us more environmentally aware and have been unable to make it happen before please contact us through the office or Kate Dyerson who is leading on this.
To download our poster please CLICK HERE.

Sustainability isn’t a one-time effort; it’s a continuous journey. A Rocha's new easy eco tips 2024 calendar will keep us all inspired throughout the year with fresh ideas for each month, and help us to foster a lasting commitment to a greener lifestyle. Small actions can lead to significant impact. That’s why our calendar focuses on easy-to-implement tips, ensuring that everyone can contribute, regardless of their lifestyle or schedule.

If you are a keen gardener or generally just interested in bee friendly plants and trees, you may appreciate these two leaflets to guide you in your planting and gardening activities this year.