Meet our team

Revd Andreas Sistig


01276 473348

07595 542143

Message Andreas

Revd Ellen Turtle

Associate Vicar

07397 931383

Message Ellen

Revd Jennifer Sistig

Lead Chaplain at Frimley Park Hospital and Associate Minister

01276 473348

07920 504377

Message Jenny

Helen Perry

Pastoral Assistant and Safeguarding Officer

01276 474167

Email Helen

Annie Bonella

Pastoral Assistant

01276 850576

Message Annie via the office

Carolyn Nahajski

Church warden

07775 821862

Message Carolyn

Phillippa Pluess

Office Manager

01276 850576

Message the office

Our PCC & Volunteers

Day to day the church is administered by the Parochial Church Council - a team led by the Vicar, Associate Vicar, two Churchwardens, two Deanery Synod representatives, and several elected members. They usually meet once a month and deal with the maintenance, finance and direction of the church. PCC members are keen to hear any suggestions you may have or will try to answer any questions.

Support and help comes from many more people: At services you will, depending upon which services you come to, see members of the teams who greet and welcome visitors, sidespersons, servers, administrators, readers, and those who serve refreshments; as well as seeing and hearing our choir. Heard but not seen are our bell ringers. Seldom seen are those who clean the church, polish the brass, arrange the flowers, tend to the candles, replace lights, tidy the grounds and mow the grass.

Without all of these people the church would be a very different place. Away from the church building we have our team of pastoral visitors and those who help organise social and fund raising events.

In total a team of people each contributing their individual skills and capabilities help make St Anne's what it is. 

Get in touch