14/08/2024 0 Comments
Service Changes - Aug Sept Oct
Service Changes - Aug Sept Oct
# News

Service Changes - Aug Sept Oct
With Andreas on leave, we have a few instances over the coming months where we will have guest clergy visiting us to lead services. We are so fortunate to have them, and hear new voices with different perspectives, so please do come along and make them feel welcome.
25th August - Claire Isherwood
15th September - Bruce Nicole
29th September - Jo Winn-Smith
20th October - Rod Sanders
27th October - Catharine Mabuza
In light of these visitors, we will move some of our services around a little, so we will not always be following the regular service pattern. You can always find the diary here to browse through: https://www.saintannebagshot.o... And of course I will always put the services on the weekly newssheet email, of what to expect on the coming Sunday.
And finally, with the starting up of Messy Church on the third Sunday of each month, Taizé Prayer will now take place on the second Sunday of each month. So this means that...
Taizé Prayer will be at 6pm on 8th Sept, 13th Oct and 10th Nov.
Messy Church will be at 3pm on 15th Sept, 20th Oct and 17th Nov.