New Electoral Roll - please sign up

New Electoral Roll - please sign up

New Electoral Roll - please sign up

# News

New Electoral Roll - please sign up

St Anne’s Church Electoral Roll

The church Electoral Roll is completely renewed every 6 years and this is the year! We need to present the new roll in time for the Annual Parish Church Meeting on Sunday 4th May. 

In the same way that being on the civic electoral roll allows you to vote in parliamentary and local elections and referenda, joining the Church Electoral Roll means that you can vote on Church matters, attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and stand for election to the PCC.

If the Roll is not representative this means that the PCC is too small for the workload involved, putting a heavy strain on the members. 

The Church of England is governed by a synodical system (PCC, Deanery Synod, Diocesan and General Synods) which join with the Bishops to make decisions. This system enables churchgoers at every level to be in touch with the Church as a whole and to play their part in decision-making and ensures that the laity have their place in every aspect of church life.

Unlike in the past, these days the Electoral Roll does not have a direct bearing in the way the Parish Share is assessed.

The form can be downloaded HERE or collected from the back of the church.

Please fill in your full name and address on the application form available at the back of church and tick the appropriate boxes. It would assist us greatly if you would also complete the ‘optional’ contact details section for our records, particularly email addresses. Completed hard copy forms may be returned to the Church Office.

Please note that only names will appear on the published Roll, which can be consulted in the Church Office. 

Thank you.

Lynne Cowley – Electoral Roll Officer

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