09/07/2024 0 Comments
Messy Church launching September
Messy Church launching September
# Events

Messy Church launching September
We're delighted to be launching a monthly Messy Church service in September!
Messy Church is a well-established national initiative which welcomes people to explore and engage with God in a structured but informal service. After a brief welcome and introduction, the bulk of a Messy Church service is centered around a range of activities which all relate to the story/theme of the day in different ways. There could be arts and crafts of all varieties, junk modelling, science experiments, games/challenges, quiet reflective space, and of course the potential for a little mess(!). It's also a place to share the messiness of life, so each activity has a host who both knows what the activity is, and welcomes and engages with those attending. At the end of the activity time, everyone regathers for a Bible story and short talk linking the various activities together, a prayer, and a song. It's especially suitable for families, but it's church - all are welcome.
If you'd like to find out more about Messy Church, and/or are interested in joining the team as an activity host or welcomer, do join Bronwen and Ellen for a brief introduction to Messy Church on 11th August at 11.30 (in church after the 10am service, with a cuppa in hand!). Alternatively, do feel free to ask us about it in the meantime. Also, please do pray for this new initiative: for the right volunteers to emerge, and for the right people to come along.