Connect Counselling - Welcome Volunteers Needed

Connect Counselling - Welcome Volunteers Needed

Connect Counselling - Welcome Volunteers Needed

# News

Connect Counselling - Welcome Volunteers Needed

Welcome Volunteers Needed

Connect counselling is looking for welcome volunteers to help man the front desk. Sounds like a simple thing, but they literally cannot operate unless they have someone extra on site for the safe working practice of all clients and counsellors. The majority of the week is now covered, with just a few hours left to go. 

Specifically they need support on Mondays 11.30am-2pm, Tuesdays 12pm-3.30pm and Wednesdays 1-5pm. You might only be able to cover some, or part, of these times, but regardless, if you are interested, we want to hear from you.

Mostly the volunteers sit with a book, or some knitting, and just be friendly and professional for people going in and out. Mental health is at a real crisis point, and we need to do all we can to keep this incredibly valuable local charity going and help those most in need. 

Full details can be found here.

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