02/07/2024 0 Comments
Blankets for Ukraine
Blankets for Ukraine
# News

Blankets for Ukraine
The knitting ladies at Churchill Retirement home in Camberley have again knitted 37 wonderfully warm and colourful blankets for children in Ukraine. This is the second time Andreas has been to collect them since the war in Ukraine began. The blankets have now been dropped off at the collection point in Bracknell with the attached notice below. Hopefully we will hear from somebody in the future. On behalf of the Ukrainian support group and St Anne’s church a very big THANK YOU!
We hope that these baby blankets will keep your children warm in the winter. We have made them with lots of love and hope that you will enjoy them. If you would like to, you can send us a message or a picture using the address below. God bless you, The knitting ladies!
Ми сподіваємося, що ці дитячі ковдри зігріють ваших дітей взимку. Ми зробили їх із великою любов’ю та сподіваємося, що вони вам сподобаються. Якщо ви бажаєте, ви можете надіслати нам повідомлення або фото, використовуючи вказану нижче адресу. Хай Бог благословить вас!