02/07/2024 0 Comments
Parish Planning meetings
Parish Planning meetings
# News

Parish Planning meetings
The clergy and PCC are pleased with what St Anne's achieved through the 2022/23 church development process, not least with developments in work with children and families, the community, our eco-project and inclusivity.
As we move into the next cycle as a church, we want to ensure that we are strategic about the decisions we make, and that we root them in a clear identity about what St Anne's church stands for in Bagshot. This is likely to continue the journey we have started, but it is important to review and choose before we make further plans and act.
To this end the PCC had a dedicated session in late October where we started to explore some key principles for this, and how St Anne’s might be a blessing for all the community. We are now planning two further sessions for those members of the PCC who were unable to attend the October session, but also to invite others who wish to join. Choose one of either Tuesday 30th January (7-9pm) or Saturday 3rd February (10am-midday).
The sessions will be run by Andreas and Carolyn, and will include a mixture of theology, input and discussion. Please let us know if you plan to attend (email Carolyn) so that we can set up for the right number of participants - thanks.
These workshops are the start of a broader process, so is not an end in itself, but one that we believe is important as we start the next phase of St Anne's journey. Please don't worry if you are unable to attend, there will be plenty of opportunities in the coming months for you to get involved, be heard and make suggestions.
As always please speak to Andreas, Ellen or Carolyn if you have any questions.