Bereavement Service

Bereavement Service

Bereavement Service

# News

Bereavement Service

We would like to invite you to a special service which we hold each year for those who have been bereaved in our parish.

This years' service will be held on Sunday 4th February at 3pm.  

It will last about 40 minutes and after the service tea, coffee and cake will be served in the Church.

You are, of course, equally welcome just to stay in the church in a quiet and prayerful way after the service or to slip out at the end - there is no obligation to socialise.

The names of our departed loved ones will be read out in the service, so please do check upon arrival that your loved one has been correctly included in our list, and if you wish to add any other names you can do so as you arrive. There will also be an opportunity during the service to light candles in memory of your loved ones.

You are welcome to bring as many family members and friends as you wish and there is no requirement to let us know in advance if you are coming.   

We know that remembering can be hard but we do hope that this service with its comforting music and texts will be a help to you in your bereavement journey.

Revd Andreas Sistig (Vicar), Revd Ellen Turtle (Associate Vicar)

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