02/07/2024 0 Comments
Occasional Cleaning
Occasional Cleaning
Occasional Cleaning
# News
Published by Parish Office on Wednesday, 3 January 2024 12:49

© unknown
Occasional Cleaning
Are you able to help us with a little cleaning in the church?
We are looking for a few more people to go on our church cleaning rota, as our numbers are getting a bit depleted.
We only ask for an hour or so once every 3 months, so not terribly taxing, on a day and time of your choosing.
The type of cleaning is hoovering, dusting and polishing the brass (only once a quarter).
We tend to rota people on in pairs, so if you have a buddy that you'd like to be on the rota with, then that is absolutely fine.
Please do get in touch with the office. office@saintannebagshot.org.uk