02/07/2024 0 Comments
Christmas Eve and Day Services
Christmas Eve and Day Services
# News

Christmas Eve and Day Services
We are very much looking forward to celebrating Christmas this coming week and hope you may be able to celebrate with us again this year. As Christmas falls on a Monday we thought we would let you know exactly what services will take place when over the coming days, so please have a look below or on our website for details (https://www.saintannebagshot.o...)
Christmas Eve
8am Holy Communion Service (from the Book of Common Prayer). No refreshments afterwards.
10am Holy Communion Service (an abbreviated service with just two hymns and a short sermon). Coffee afterwards will be a simple 'help yourself' variety.
2pm and 4pm Crib Services - two services in which we recall the wondrous Christmas story in a child friendly way and sing some of those beloved carols. Please do come dressed up, such as nativity characters or Christmas jumpers! No refreshments afterwards.
11.30pm Midnight Service (a Holy Communion service with carols and a short sermon). No refreshments afterwards.
Christmas Day
8am Holy Communion Service (from the Book of Common Prayer). No refreshments afterwards.
10am Holy Communion Service (a service with carols and a sermon). No refreshments afterwards.
If you are away or have other plans, we wish you blessed and peaceful Christmas and hope to see you again in the New Year.
Merry Christmas,
Andreas and Ellen.