02/07/2024 0 Comments
Advent Posada journey around Bagshot
Advent Posada journey around Bagshot
# News

Advent Posada journey around Bagshot

Our Posada set of knitted nativity figures will soon be embarking on their Advent journey around the community, and they need some homes to stay in!
The idea of a Posada is that a different household 'hosts' the nativity figures for each night in Advent, and then takes them to the next 'host' the following day. You could arrange to take the figures directly to their next home, or simply arrange to meet anywhere convenient around the village to pass on the figures; and you could stop for a cuppa together, or you could just pass the figures on, whatever you are comfortable doing and have time for. They come in their own suitcase so they're very portable! On Christmas Eve we will welcome the Posada set back into church during the Crib service.
If you would like to participate, please choose a date on which to receive the Posada using the doodle poll here: https://doodle.com/meeting/par.... Remember that you are choosing a date on which to receive the figures, and you'll need some time available the following day to pass them on to their next hosts.
Once you have booked a date, we will email you a short form so that we can share your contact information (name, phone and email) with the other participants, so that you can arrange mutually convenient ways to receive and pass on the Posada.
We hope that this will help to bring the Christmas story into homes across our community this Advent.