02/07/2024 0 Comments
Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - November 2023
Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - November 2023
# News

Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - November 2023
Connect Prayer Focus
1-7 November
Gratitude for God’s presence with us – undeserved and always available ❤️
Ask God to bless Wendy each day, as she is on Annual Leave until 22nd November.
Pray for the Trustees as they meet on 2nd November – for God’s will to be done.
Give thanks for all our wonderful volunteers and for their kindness to us.
Pray for our clients. Each known to God, each struggling with issues and pain. For those with a counsellor; for those waiting to have a counsellor. God’s presence in the waiting and in the work. For deep healing.
8 - 14 November
Gratitude for God’s faithfulness to us over 29 years.
Pray for the advertisement of a new clinical lead role at Connect – that God would stir the hearts of people to apply.
Give thanks for Zoe, Mandy and Natalie as they work for Connect, that they will settle in well and feel valued. Each adds so much to Connect.
Pray for Andreas and Alison, two Trustees acting as joint interim Chair of Trustees. Ask for strength and wisdom and joy.
Pray for the Connect family – clients, counsellors, Supervisors, Volunteers and paid staff – who are unwell. Ask God to supply their needs and restore health.
15-21 November
Gratitude for God’s unconditional love for us ?
Ask God to supply our need of a Chair of Trustees – for God to provide someone who will lead strongly and enhance the existing board.
Give thanks for those that financially support Connect – we really appreciate it!
We have a new Supervisor – Vicky – please pray for her as she joins us, that Jesus would inspire her and bless her and her time with supervisees, on Fridays.
Give thanks that Emma is back after two weeks off. Please ask the Lord to show her how to work in His strength and to grant wisdom and compassion.
22-30 November
Gratitude that we worship a resurrected Saviour!
Pray for the interviews for a new clinical lead at Connect, for wisdom and discernment.
Pray for Wendy, returning to Connect until 15th December, when she retires. That she would know how loved & valued she is.
Give thanks that client numbers have risen and that Connect is able to offer a safe, confidential, skilled space to clients.
Pray for our clients in their loss; devastation; fear; anxiety; depression; absence from sessions; confusion; shaped by their past. Pray for supernatural interventions, from Heaven to earth.