Kempton Steam Museum Visit

Kempton Steam Museum Visit

Kempton Steam Museum Visit

# News

Kempton Steam Museum Visit

Kempton Steam Museum Visit Saturday 18th November 2023

We will meet at church for a 10.30 departure. We will aim to car share for the journey of about 20 minutes. A sign up form is available at the back of church or you can let Derrick know if you wish to join us. 

The triple expansion steam engine will be in operation on a number of occasions throughout the day and other exhibits such as steam turbines and a mercury arc rectifier are on show.

Guided tours can be joined by booking on the day on a first come first served basis. If there are enough of us we will be able to get a group concessionary rate for entry.

There is a short narrow gauge steam railway on site which is part of a project to reproduce some the railway network which served the whole waterworks site of Hampton and Kempton.

There is a wealth of information on the Kempton Steam Museum website.

Light refreshments are available and loos and lifts can be found at the entrance. There is a small shop selling souvenirs and books along with a second hand book shop.

It may be possible to arrange a late pub lunch on the way home on an ad hoc basis.

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