02/07/2024 0 Comments
New Area Dean - Revd Ellen Turtle!
New Area Dean - Revd Ellen Turtle!
# News

New Area Dean - Revd Ellen Turtle!
Ellen writes:
I'm delighted to let you know that I will be licensed as the next Area Dean for Surrey Heath on the 12th September, taking over from Jonathan Hillman who stepped down earlier this summer. The licensing will take place during the Area Dean's meeting, so I don't have a service to invite you to, however I would really welcome your prayers as I take on this new role.
The Area Dean role is taken on alongside ongoing parish ministry, so I will still be here as well and my role here as Associate Vicar won't change substantially, though of course a few things might evolve over time. I am however letting go of a couple of non-parish things to help create time to cover my Area Dean duties. For those wondering what an Area Dean does, the biggest part of my role will be to look after the clergy in the deanery, as well as to help the deanery to work together as best it can. I'll have a lot to learn but I'm looking forward to a new challenge.