Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - September

Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - September

Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - September

# News

Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - September

Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - September

In Week 1 – 1st – 7th September let’s pray…

For the clients – we have 15 clients awaiting an Intake Appointment and 21 clients waiting to be allocated a counsellor.

For our counsellors beginning sessions after a break, that they may feel refreshed for the academic year.

Give thanks for those who support connect whether by time, donation or prayer, we are grateful they are part of Connects journey.

Pray for Wendy with the tsunami of data she is managing in her role as CTM. Wendy is working on the annual monitoring report for the British Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists, lets pray for God’s grace over her as she works through it.

In Week 2 – 8 – 14th September let’s pray…

For the clients that will phone up this week and refer themselves. Many feel that no-one cares about them and that mental health services are letting them down.

For counsellors in their work with clients, that they may have God’s insight and wisdom in journeying alongside clients to help them find more freedom.

Pray for a new chair of trustees, seeking God’s provision. Pray for trustees as they work through their roles.

Pray for Zoe as we work towards completion of the new website, that it is easy and accessible to use and serves connect for the future. Pray she continues settling into her new role as Operations Manager.

Week 3 – 15-21st September

Please pray for the clients this week that are couples or families. This is less frequent than our individual requests for counselling, but each person matters to us and to God. Pray that we meet their needs and facilitate better communication and understanding.

Pray for counsellors in their personal development as they grow in their experience and self-awareness through counselling.

Wendy is retiring in December 2023 and so let’s pray for her as she completes the work she has been doing here at Connect for over a decade. Pray for Wendy’s replacement and Carolyn and Emma as they seek wisdom to draw up the job description, advertise and recruit well.

Pray for Mandy our new fundraiser as she settles into Connect and particularly for the Paul Kerensa comedy event on 16th September. Give thanks for the place she has secured for an ultra-running race which will raise funds for Connect.

Week 4 – 22 - 30th September

Pray for the clients’ wellbeing, that they may find relief in the support we offer them.

Let’s pray for counsellors in their personal lives, we know times can be chaotic with families, work and studies. May they experience God’s peace.

Give thanks to those who support Connect, without them the service wouldn’t work. Let’s pray they feel refreshed.

Pray for Emma as she wrestles with the software to bring into Connect so that we can be paperless and more efficient. Emma wants us to give thanks to God for His presence and goodness to Connect, particularly this season and how He is sustaining us.

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