02/07/2024 0 Comments
Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - August 2023
Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - August 2023
# News

Connect Counselling Prayer Focus - August 2023
1 | “Sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts” Psalm 105:2. We start with our gratitude to God, for His faithfulness and provision to Connect. God is good to us. |
2 | Today, Zoe, our new Operations Manager, starts at Connect, working 24 hours a week. Give thanks for her and ask God to use her for His Glory and purpose. |
3 | Pray for all who are bereaved and experiencing loss. For comfort and support. Pray for those without hope |
4 | Give thanks for Wendy who is working today in the morning and supervising a group at Connect in the afternoon. Give thanks for her love, compassion and skills she gives to Connect. |
5 | Pray for the clients that we are seeing at Connect. Pray for them to attend their sessions and gain insight into their lives. Pray for those ending after two years with us, for good endings for all. |
6 | On this day of rest for many, pray for those visiting family or taking holidays, for rest and refreshment. |
7 | Mondays are our busiest day and so please pray for our office helpers today, Carol and Clare and Jess. We are delighted to have their time and skill. |
8 | Ask God for His wisdom in working through the strategy for this year at Connect. For discernment and clarity and wisdom. |
9 | Give thanks for the Office helpers who volunteer in the evenings – Jess, Steve, Nigel and Penny. Ask God to bless them and give them strength. |
10 | Pray for those on our waiting lists. For patience. Ask God to surround them with His love, in their waiting. |
11 | Give thanks that our new self-employed Fundraiser, Mandy, is on board! Pray for her to settle in and thrive. Ask God to inspire her and lead her. |
12 | Our website is being re-designed by a team of four – Robert; Zoe; Alison and Andreas. Pray it is formed by God’s own hands, through this team. Pray into the words and pictures being the best they can be. |
13 | Pray for our trained counsellors in their work, often with clients with more challenging circumstances and issues. For empathy. |
14 | Pray for our Trainee counsellors, that they would have a restful month away from studying. |
15 | Give thanks that after much prayer, client numbers have significantly risen. Give thanks for local GP and social prescribers and Citizens Advice Bureaux for referring people to us. |
16 | Give thanks for our team of Supervisors, for their support, love and guidance to the counsellors. We need a new Supervisor – pray we recruit one who can enrich the trainees and counsellors. |
17 | Pray for our neighbours – upstairs and to the right! For our witness to be like Jesus ? |
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19 | Give thanks for the wisdom and skill of those helping Emma lead Connect into the future. Giving thanks for Carolyn N, Sally and Trustees Alison and Andreas. |
20 | In these difficult financial times, ask God to continue to give us our daily bread and for us to be wise stewards. Give thanks for all who support us, in every way. |
21 | Pray for the recruitment of a new Chair of Trustees. Recruitment drive starts next month |
22 | Give thanks for the goodness of God to Connect. Everything we have is from Him. Pray for Emma to hear God’s heartbeat for us and know His will and direction. |
23 | We have a social media campaign in it’s infancy. Pray for wisdom in understanding the proposal; guidance in how to move forwards and the presence of God to move as we seek to reach the community better. |
24 | Give thanks that our new BookKeeper is on board, Natalie. Ask God to help her quickly understand our systems and any improvements we could make. |
25 | Give thanks for the supporters of Connect, for their prayers and donations. |
26 | Give thanks for the life-giving work of counselling that goes on at Connect. For the moments of deep connection between client and counsellor and for healing and renewal. Pray for hope, for all. |
27 | Pray for decisions being made to introduce technology into Connect, to use less paper and run more smoothly! Pray for the right option; informed transition and good outcomes. |
28 | Pray for Trainees worried about their client hours, for God to give them His peace. |
29 | Give thanks for the new furniture in Reception; the counselling rooms and Training room at Connect! We are grateful each and every piece. |
30 | Pray for our six Trustees, that the Lord would renew their strength and enable them to govern with insight and excellence. |
31 | Pray for those who are feeling scared about counselling to have courage and resilience. Pray for them to refer themselves and have a warm welcome. |