Reintroduction of the chalice for Holy Communion

Reintroduction of the chalice for Holy Communion

Reintroduction of the chalice for Holy Communion

# News

Reintroduction of the chalice for Holy Communion

At our PCC meeting in June, we decided to reintroduce the chalice from 01 August.

With this in mind we wanted to ask any of you who would be prepared to become a chalice assistant or to resume your previous role, to let Andreas or Ellen know. 

At this moment we are unsure if we need two chalice assistants or just one per 10am service, as that will be determined by how many people would like to drink from it. 

But even with the reintroduction of the chalice there is no obligation for you to drink from it, especially if you are vulnerable yourself. Should you have a cold or Covid we would kindly ask you not drink for the chalice for the safety of others.  

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