02/07/2024 0 Comments
# News

Stewardship of all the gifts that God has given is part of Christian discipleship. Giving of your time, talents and money to support charities and the church is an important part of that. Planned Giving to St Anne’s is one way of participating in Stewardship and we encourage all members of our church community to contribute to the work of St Anne’s by making a commitment to give to St Anne’s on a regular basis, either via a Standing Order or via Envelopes. In this way, we can ensure that we shall be better able meet the difficult financial challenges facing us at the moment and thus enable us to continue the work of this church in the Bagshot Community.
Gift Aid forms are available at the back of church. For further details please contact David Perry (Treasurer) or Pat Stone (Stewardship Recorder) who will be pleased to respond to any questions.