02/07/2024 0 Comments
A response to the house of bishops debate on same sex marriage
A response to the house of bishops debate on same sex marriage
# News

A response to the house of bishops debate on same sex marriage
The Ministry Team, Steering Group, PCC and Clergy of St Anne's have spent some time this week reflecting on how to respond to the news coming from the house of bishops debate on same sex marriage, particularly the continued ban on same-sex marriage.
Last week bishop Andrew encouraged us to 'be gentle with one another in an area which has such great sensitivities for so many' and asked us to pray for him and our General Synod reps in the weeks ahead, and for the whole Church of England during quite such a stormy time.
Clearly, this issue will need further debate, careful consideration and lots of prayer.
As an inclusive church community we stand against all forms of discrimination. The statement below seeks to be a measured, but equally honest response to this disappointing news. As you read it, please do remember that we are here for you and ready to talk about anything you may wish to.
Members of the community may have seen headlines or heard about recent debates by the Church of England about same-sex marriage, and we would like to make it clear to our own community where we stand on this issue.
St Anne’s believe in inclusive church – a church that celebrates and affirms every person, and does not discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality. As such, we are committed to the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the life and ministry at St Anne’s Church, here in Bagshot.
Last week, the Bishops of the Church of England wrote an open letter to the LGBTQIA+ community – apologising for the rejection, hostility, exclusion and homophobic responses that LGBTQIA+ people and those they love have so often endured from the church has been “shameful” and “profoundly wrong”. We welcome this apology from the bishops.
However, many of us are deeply saddened and disappointed that the ban on same-sex marriages in church will continue. For many people this is a painful exclusion, and is not in keeping with our beliefs of inclusivity.
The Bishops proposal is that clergy will be allowed to offer services and prayers of thanksgiving, dedication and blessing for same-sex couples. This does not go as far as we would wish, but Rev. Andreas and Rev. Ellen want our community to know that they will both offer such services for same-sex couples as soon as this is allowed (we hope in the next few months).
St Anne’s wishes to reiterate that we believe in being fully inclusive - this is about real people, real lives and real relationships. We will keep the community posted on this important issue.