02/07/2024 0 Comments
Welcomers wanted!
Welcomers wanted!
Welcomers wanted!
# News
Published by Andreas Sistig on Tuesday, 24 January 2023 15:38

© walking in the sunshine
Welcomers wanted!
Are you a friendly and welcoming person? Then why not join the church welcoming team we are establishing?
What is involved? Well, welcoming people of course - particularly visitors, newcomers or anybody who could do with a helping hand when they come into the church for our 10am service. Particularly we are hoping that our welcomers would invite people to sit with them during the service, help them with the service and pew sheets, after the service invite them into the church centre and perhaps introduce them to a few others.
Who can be involved? Anybody who is friendly!
If you're able to help, please speak to Andreas or Ellen.