Hardship Fund update

Hardship Fund update

Hardship Fund update

# News

Hardship Fund update

As part of our ongoing support for some of the most vulnerable members of our community the PCC decided in December to support both village schools with a payment from our church hardship fund.

Consequently, we transferred a total of £2.500 to Connaught Junior and Bagshot Infant school. This money is to be used by the schools as part of their own hardship arrangements: e.g. help local families with school uniform items, school outings and where appropriate, school meals. 

By way of background information: St Anne's hardship fund came into existence in the context of the pandemic, has received donations from both individuals as well as local organisations and councillors and continues to support local residents mainly with small grants towards heating or other essential items. For more information on the fund and how you may either support or benefit from it please speak to either the clergy, church wardens or the treasurer.

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