Opportunities with Pixies Playgroup and Junior Church

Opportunities with Pixies Playgroup and Junior Church

Opportunities with Pixies Playgroup and Junior Church

# News

Opportunities with Pixies Playgroup and Junior Church

We are currently looking for volunteers to help with Pixies Playgroup, and with our Junior Church. If you might be interested in working with young families and/or children then please read on!

Pixies playgroup is for 0-5s and their adults, and meets on Fridays from 10-11.30 in the church centre, with free play and refreshments followed by tidy-up time and some nursery rhymes. The playgroup has become a lovely community of regular and occasional families, including a number of dads, grandparents, and carers as well as mums. Our team aims to make everyone feel welcome and at home, making introductions and helping people to make new friends, being a listening ear for those that are struggling, as well as playing with the little ones. Volunteers would ideally be able to help at least twice a month on a rota, so as to provide continuity and build up relationships.

Junior Church is currently running on the 'odd' Sundays of each month during our 10am service, using Godly Play stories and some simple response materials as well as the occasional craft. We are hoping to extend Junior Church to more Sundays, and to begin to make links between our faith and God in creation through more outdoor activities especially in the garden, but to do so we will need a few more volunteers to lead the sessions - ideally able to commit to at least once a month on a rota. 

If you are interested in either of these volunteer roles then please have a chat with Ellen for more information. Both roles will follow 'safer recruitment' guidelines and the Junior Church role will also require a DBS check.

Please click on the links below for the relevant role descriptions.

Role Description Pixies Playgroup Helper

Role Description Junior Church Helper

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