Casual Choir

Casual Choir

Casual Choir

# News

Casual Choir

We would like to try and practise a few contemporary Christian songs with anybody who is keen after the 10am services. The idea is that on the Sundays Alex will be playing at the 10am service for us (1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th - if there is one) we will be practising a song or two which we would then sing during the 10am service on the 1st Sunday of the following month.

We are planning on these songs to be easy to sing contemporary Christian songs. There may also be the occasional Taize chant (possibly with solo verses) which could be performed during the distribution of Holy Communion.

So, if you are keen to sing, we'd love for you to join us. There is no need to let us know in advance, just come along.

Practises will start on Sunday 04 September after the 10am service (11.15am).

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