Besom Lent Challenge

Besom Lent Challenge

Besom Lent Challenge

# News

Besom Lent Challenge

Besom Lent Challenge

Please click here or scroll down to view a Lent Challenge from the Besom!

It is designed to encourage folk to consider each day or two, throughout Lent, something they can do to support & bless those who are struggling financially in our neighbourhoods.

We have intentionally NOT included Baked beans, Cereal, Oats, Pasta & Soup as this is something we still have a very healthy stock of. BUT have included one day each for Toiletries & Household items. 

This is however just a guide & people are free, of course, to contribute as much or as little as they feel appropriate for them.  

You are welcome to compile these at home and then bring in the collections you have gathered at the end of Lent, if you would prefer, or you can pop them into the collection box in the porch each time you pass. Whichever you prefer!

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